Was reading…

“Dopamine. It’s at the core of our sexual drives and survival needs, and it motivates us to do just about everything. This mechanism within the reward center of the primitive brain has been around for millions of years and has not changed. Rats, humans — indeed, all mammals — are very similar in this respect….With dopamine as the driving force, biology has designed you to engage in fertilization behavior (read, fucking), and urges you to move on to new partners to create greater genetic variety among your offspring.”

Yes, there is a lot going on below the surface, and its obvious to me that many people dont give a moments thought as to why they do what they do, especially sexually.


“Humans, however, don’t have a period of “heat” followed by a long period of indifference to sex. Unlike all other mammals, we have the potential for on-going, dopamine-driven sexual desire. Yet we, too, self-regulate. An “off switch” kicks in after too much passion.

Two events happen simultaneously. Dopamine plummets and prolactin soars. Dopamine is “go get it!” and prolactin is “whoa!” This mechanism shifts your attention elsewhere…Without this natural, protective shutdown, you would pursue sex to the exclusion of all other activities.”

Well, the pic above was taken in the morning of a person (me, obviously) who might glow from a night of sex but has no problem centering and refocussing on the tasks of the day. I’m aware of whats going on in my body and my mind. It makes it possible for me to use a sex-dating site effectively, rather than mindlessly skipping from pic to pic, profile to profile looking for the next dopamine driven high.

Think about that if you message people seeking real world contact. The looking at pics, thinking about the possibilities and sending a message in the heat of the moment isnt the real bit. Its what follows, if anything follows at all.

Perhaps by including a pic I’m adding to the problem. But by pointing out the above, clearly the problem isn’t mine.

The really focused people are those who spend more time screwing – enjoying the ultimate high together – rather than sitting at a computer alone will completely understand.

Many of them did in fact meet thru sex-dating sites. And glow in the morning.

They moved onto the real bit.