From the Wired article:

The internet, the old adage goes, is for porn. But, with a few clicks online, you can find a lot more than that: drugs, graphic violence, you name it. In a way, the internet is the unbound and tangled web of our collective human psyche (at times, more id, than ego). So, if someone wants to see or show pretty much anything, you can bet it’s happening somewhere online.

That’s why it can be somewhat perplexing when social media companies like Facebook pretend that their island of the internet is a totally under-control, family-friendly space.

Facebook announced yesterday that, along with some other new features, it’ll soon incorporate a new dedicated, searchable place on its mobile app for live video broadcasts from around the world—an important business move that keeps it a step ahead of competitors and will hopefully keep you and the other 1.5 billion people on Facebook on the site longer to look at ads

Read the entire article at Wired